Catit Magic Blue Refill Pads ( 6 pcs )
Refill pads for Catit Magic Blue Cartridge.
2 Filter pads last 1 month.
How safe is your litter?
Artificial odor control by litter
Most modern litters are artificially enhanced for odor control. These come at a risk, as cats are in direct contact with the litter and may ingest hazardous particles while grooming their fur and paws.
Natural odor absorption by Magic Blue
Magic Blue efficiently reduces ammonia and cat pan odors from a safe location outside of the litter. The filter pads contain a special resin that absorbs and retains odors like a big sponge. This is an entirely natural process that doesn’t involve any kind of chemical or toxin.
Chemical sprays try to camouflage bad odors by adding even more unhealthy gasses to the air.
Magic Blue is unscented, non-toxic and improves the air quality for you and your cat.
Stop hazardous ammonia gasses
Ammonia is the most irritating and hazardous gas
Reduce cat pan odors
Follow your cat’s instinct
In nature, cats use feces and urine to mark their territory. Indoors, these odors can build up quickly.
A cat’s sense of smell is about 15 times stronger than our own. So when ammonia and foul odors build up inside of the litter box, we certainly aren’t doing our cat any favors.
Magic Blue minimizes odors without erasing your cat’s scent mark from the litter box.
Excessive cleaning and scented sprays can distress and confuse your cat to the extent it stops using the litter box, especially when other cats are close by.
No hooded cat pan needed
to enjoy the effect!
Simply place Magic Blue in your trashcan and experience the magic every time you open the can.
The smell will be reduced by an average of 50% or more, depending on the contents.
Magic Blue
This start-up packaging contains a reusable plastic Magic Blue cartridge (with cat-proof lock) and filter pads for 1 month.
This packaging contains Magic Blue filter pads
for 3 months.
Fits every litter box
1 Magic Blue = 25 carbon filters!
To be absolutely sure that Magic Blue really works, we sent the product to an independent laboratory for meticulous testing. First, either Magic Blue or carbon filter pads were placed in the top filter gap of a hooded litter box. Next, ammonia was added. The air that exited the litter box through the filter gap, was analyzed for ammonia content, which revealed the rate of absorption.
The results prove Magic Blue reduces ammonia 25 times more effectively than carbon filters!
Take the Magic Blue Smell test!
Want to smell the effects of ammonia and Magic Blue for yourself?
Download these easy instructions!
Or watch others take the smell test for you
Free reminder service
Need a reminder when it is time to replace your Magic Blue filter pads?
We would be happy to send you a special notification.
Click here to sign up for our reminder service.
Magic Blue Litter Box
Each Catit Litter Box includes a free Magic Blue Cartridge set